Would you like to play your flute in cheery company, learn new music, have some fun in perfect harmony, and share your love of music with the community? If your answer is “YES” please join us!
Everyone is welcome to come along and join in our rehearsals as a taster prior to joining our group. We rehearse from 7-9pm every other Wednesday evening at Whitchurch Methodist Church Hall. You should bring a music stand with you.
To get an idea of our repertoire, have a look at the What we play page.
We are also available to play at functions, community festivals and more. Please email info@cafeflutes.co.uk to find out more.
Everyone is welcome to come along and join in our rehearsals as a taster prior to joining our group. Meetings are held 7-9pm every other Wednesday evening at Whitchurch Methodist Church Hall. You should bring a music stand with you.
Annual fees for joining the group are currently £80, payable in two instalments with a £20 joining fee to help cover the costs of music (£10 of this will be refunded when a member leaves if all music is returned)
Email info@cafeflutes.co.uk for more information about joining.